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Ten easy ways to make the skin beautiful

The face of the face is the most sensitive. Here are the factors that affect the effects of the skin. Sunshine, fatigue, sleep loss and environmental pollution etc. Women around the world use thousands of rupees beauty products to make their faces beautiful. Today, we will tell you how to make your skin face remedier sitting at home without spending money.

* Honey

Honey is beneficial for skin due to its anti-bacterial and anti-infections. It is very useful to eliminate nail ache and drain. If honey is massaged on a skin sample every day, the spots will soon disappear. The skin will start soft and smooth.

Soda food

The food soda is used as a natural skin on the skin. It can be made a mask for the face mixed with coconut or olive oil. This refreshing skin quickly removes dead skin. Once used a week, the best results will be achieved.


The skin is very useful for skin. It can also be used with yogurt. The skin cools the skin and restores moisture and melon. Keeping on the skin with skin is rid of the implicit effects of sunshine. Relaxation and inflammation get relief. Also, ends down the eyes.


Vitamins C-laminated lime is used to reduce skin color, acne infections and grease. Direct lime should not be used on sensitive skin. However, lime juice with olive oil or honey benefits skin.

Elo Vera

The most commonly used part of cosmetics and beauty products is Elo Vera.Elite vera is very useful to keep the skin slow and prevent the infection. In addition, Elo Vera also stirred the stain and makes the skin smooth. And quickly restores moisture. For the best results, apply Evelyn Vega’s pulp face for a while.


Potato pulp on the face causes stomach blocks to disappear. Natural glow and color on the skin becomes clear. Deep circles around the eyes can also be removed from the oven.

Olive oil

Olive oil is the best choice to maintain skin moisture. It provides a natural glow to the skin and makes it healthy by combining broken tissues. For best results, some drops of olive oil massage face and neck. Then cover the face with heavy towel in semi-hot water. After 40 seconds, give the fat paste separately from the face.

Canno peeled

Canno sprouts relax in nail acne and drain infections. Provides the necessary vitamins to the skin and retains it. Grind coconut paste and make paste in the roses. For 15 minutes apply this mask on the face and wash with cold water. This process doubles two to three times a week.


Symptoms of aging and harmful effects on the skin are green tea. It is useful to quickly skin and restore natural brightness. Green tea can be used as a mask mixed with cream or honey. Green tea ice piece is mixed on face to face face and freshness.


From ancient times, the beauty of women’s beauty is about milking. The essential vitamin and protein in the milk make the skin beautiful. Milk is a natural part of skin skin and softening. Tap a cloth in the milk and tape the face on the face. Wash after cool water shortly afterwards.