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Something less commonly used for pregnant women is the risk of everyday use

According to foreign news scientists, Texas University scientists say a dangerous chemical is found in plastic shopping bags, which is becoming the first time in the childhood due to the birth of children. The main reason is to say. In addition, these children suffer from mental and physical disabilities.

According to the research, scientists examined the effects of plastic quantity and its child after the blood tests of the hospitalized women for the birth of the child.

This research also showed that the more likely the pregnant women use plastic shopping bags, the higher the likelihood of the child’s pre-birth birthplace.

Plastic envelopes are widely used in packaging of food items. That is why the pre-birth rate of women in women is also increasing. At the same time, some women are getting pre-born children.

This report also revealed that one of the 10 babies born in the US is getting pre-born. The birth rate of childbirth in the UK has gone up to 7 percent.