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Secure your health from the nails

Nails are the main ingredients of our body and also on our nails are influenced by our nails and that nails tell humans about their health in their language. Nails are very important for any person and their importance increases when we need to peel a item.

How nails tell a person about his health through his own structure or color. This is described below.

Pit in the nails

The upper structure of the nails is usually identical, but if they start reading the pit, it indicates that the person suffering from a disease has suffered.And usually knee in the nails when a person feels pissed as a pseudocheless disease of ancestor.

Nails and scarcity or abundance

Nails are also giving us food shortage or abundance. For example, if the nails go too late in the water, they have a slight amount of softness, but if this does not mean that they are giving anemia called anemia due to lack of fuels. However, if so, it is also thought that you have a condition of liver hormocomatosis, in which the body starts absorbing the skin faster.

White spots or spoon shape on nails

Heart disease can be estimated by nail as it causes spoon shaped in heart disease, and when it increases, white spots begin to appear on it. Although it may also be due to aging, but it usually occurs in heart disease, kidney disease, or diabetic disease.

White mark on nails

If a finger is seen on white nails in a finger and it appears that an external item is on it, but does not remove it, it is a sign of Nicakia’s disease.Although leukonia is not a sign of any disease, its main reason is the harm caused by the nail root, whose effects appear on the nails as white marks, but if the marks of all the fingers are on the nails There is a sign of complexity, in such instances, you should refer to the doctor immediately