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How can I send mail without using cotton bud?

A person always strives to clean himself and his body. Where we take a bath to keep the body clean, we use cotton beds (cotton buds) to clean the ear, which is quite harmful.

If you have never paid attention to cotton bud, then tell you the cotton-braid of plastic is on top of which a piece of cotton is applied.

Cotton bite is very small but it is a big hand in spreading marine pollution, because we use them to thrown into a flash of Twitter, which later eat seafood and small birds, and also pollution. .

However, we like Cotton Bud because we think it easily eats out of trouble, but let’s tell you that growing marine pollution is very likely to ban cotton buds and I have to look at other ways to clean the ear.

Medical experts believe that the ears should not be cleaned from cotton buds because they do not clean the mail of your ear, but push the ear mail and the inside.

Before you can look at other ways to clear the mail, you must know that dirt in the ear is not as bad as you imagine, but there is a special reason behind this mail. Mail in the ear does not allow other environmental dirt to come to your ears.

Apart from this, mail itself is also cleared. However, if you feel that due to mail you are closing your ear then refer to the first one.

If the ear in the ears is harming your ear then refer to the doctor who can help you in the right way.

Then, use olive oil if you want to clear the mail. This is a useful homeototype that proves to be very useful for people. Yes! Put gold to 2 to 3 drops of olive oil before sleeping and when you wake up, two will see that all the mail and dirt on your pillow itself will get rid of itself.

In the same way, there is a mixture of a mixture from the market that blows your ear mail after which it messs out itself. The method of using this mixture is such as olive oil.

If you have a dust in the ear, then take a piece of warm cloth and put it in the fingers of the hand and grab the ears around the ear. This process of a few seconds will immediately clear the mail on your ears.

Note: This article is for general information. Be sure to consult your physician before doing it.