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Facebook and Twitter are harmful for the world

According to a new survey, a large number of Americans believe that social media palettes like Twitter and Facebook are becoming more harmful to the freedom of expression and democracy.

This research, made clear the change of people’s opinion, after knowing that Russia has attempted to intervene in the 2016 Presidential election by using Twitter and Facebook.

The pool that found that the government does not have enough efforts to take Silicone Valve from 40% to 55% today in November.

The pool found that Democrats were the most fascinating on this matter, while Republican and independent candidates were equally worried.

The article published in the article published by the Essex News News, which shared the survey with Munich, said that changing the idea of ​​publication about Silicone Welfare is awaited.

It shows how Americans are worried about the intervention of Russian presidential elections in 2016. But this thing also shows the growing discomfort of potentially spreading false news on platforms, as well as possible disadvantages of certain technology companies.

The lack of maintenance of large technology companies is increasingly increasing.

At a news conference, Democratic Senators Amy Klobcher and Mark Warner said that they were angry that the foreigners affected their weaknesses in their (US) electoral system.

Senatoriklobcherchka said that our entire democracy is on a simple basis that people of our country should be autonomous.

He further said that now 240 years later our democracy is in danger. Russia attacked our elections. If we do not follow it today, Russians and other foreign powers and interests will divide our country.