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Which diet should be avoided before sleeping?

Calm sleep is healthy for everyone because it feels self-esteemed after waking up, but some things before sleep can cause food to uselessness.The following items are described below that should be avoiding food before sleep.


Although milk is rich in protein and calcium, but before sleeping, milk causes heavy water and it takes on load on system digestion.


Chocolate is also included in our pearl item, and caffeine is also found in plenty, so it is appropriate that chocolate is not used before sleeping.


Pizza has extraordinary disadvantages due to sleeping and it can cause sleep disorder because it contains extraordinary amounts of calories and carbohydrate and fat are also found.


Peppers also cause gastrointestinal use, even before sleeping, their use can also be harmful.

Fruit juice

There is an abundance of thanksgiving in Malta, Grep, and Combat Potatoes which can lead to anxiety in sleep, as well as the risk of drinking in the body before sleeping.