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Easy way to get the fastest internet speed by hacking DNS Server

Pakistan is a developing country where internet is present, but the full speed and benefits of Pakistanis are not yet available. Often times we face the slow Internet speed that proves to be quite annoying.

That’s why here you are hacking the DNS server and how to increase the internet speed. But before that, it is important to know what the DNS server is.

The DNS name is the Domain Name server. Whenever you visit a web site, DNS helps you reach this site. Many people are unaware of this process because it does not matter.

Suppose you have a person’s name but do not know his phone number, what would you do? You will see the phone book. DNS perfectly works as a phone book.

If you enter aaj.tv in your address bar, you will find access to the DNS web site’s IP address.

DNS has its own network that connects to other servers until you reach your desired domain so that you can provide the right realization.

How to hack the DNS server?

Open DNS

Open DNS was introduced in 2006. This is an Internet company that provides DNS resolution service. They have their own database that protects the process by preserving recovery. His American and UK have 6 main servers.

How to use Open DNS?

* Open Control Panel and click “Network and Internet Options.”

Hack DNS Server

* Open the “Network and Sharing Center” now.

Hack DNS Server

* Click on your Connected Internet connection to customize the option of Properties.

Hack DNS Server

* Now click “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP / IPv4”) to set the Properties option.

Hack DNS Server

* Then click “Use the following DNS server addresses” and enter the following numbers at the bottom and click OK.

  • Preferred DNS server:
  • Alternate DNS Server:

Hack DNS Server

* Then wrap everything again to the third and fourth stats and allocate the IPv6 (Internet protocol version 6) and all enter the following DNS server address numbers.

  • Preferred DNS server: 2620: 0: ccc :: 2
  • Alternate DNS Server: 2620: 0: ccd :: 2

Hack DNS Server

This way you can increase your internet speed using Open DNS.